Halloween is just around the corner and even though it will be different this year, that does not mean that you can not have fun dressing up your Great Dane. Because of their unique physical features, it can be hard to find a ready-made costume for these gentle giants. Lucky for you, we've. put together a list of ten creative ideas to get your Dane ready for All Hallows Eve.

1) Chick-Fil-A Cow

This is an easy one! All you need is a makeshift sandwich board and a magic marker. Everyone will instantly recognize this commercial icon and you are bound to get a few laughs. Of course, this costume only works with a Harlequin Dane, but fear not, we have nine more killer costumes coming your way!

2) Scooby-Doo

If you have a tan or fawn Great Dane this is the perfect costume! Everyone knows Scooby was a Great Dane and with some non-toxic body paint and some carefully crafted spots you can make your Dane the spitting image of this cartoon favorite. Extra bonus points if you dress like Scooby's legendary sidekick, Shaggy.

3) Camel

Here again, a fawn coat is required but you have to admit, it's an awesome costume. Due to the Great Dane's immense size, it is pretty much the only dog that can pull this off. All you need is a small pillow, an ornate blanket, and something that you can fashion into reins.

4) Thoroughbred Racehorse

The color of your Dane's coat really does not matter with this costume and let's face it, you've probably heard plenty of 'horse' jokes about your Great Dane. Well, at least on Halloween you can answer in the affirmative when someone asks "Is that a horse?" Just do a search for 'jockey and saddle costume for Great Danes' and you'll find plenty of options.

5) Skeleton Dane

It's a Halloween classic, the ever-popular skeleton costume. If you have a black or blue Dane this is a 'great' costume that will not restrict their movement or make them overly hot. Just be sure to use non-toxic body paint and keep them off the furniture. 🙂

6) Zebra Dane

Put a little safari in your Halloween! Practically the opposite if the skeleton Dane, the Zebra Dane is perfect for a nearly all-white Dane, but you can find full zebra costumes online as well. Not unlike the skeleton and Scooby costumes, be sure to use non-toxic body paint and be prepared to give your buddy a bath after the festivities.

7) The Lion Dane

Everyone loves The Lion King!Pay homage to this animated classic by casting your Dane in the starring role. Obviously limited to fawn-colored Danes, this is still an awesome costume! You can find the fake lion's manes online.

8) The Dane In The Hat

We all remember the Dr. Suess classic The Cat In The Hat.Well, why not create a fun twist on the children's classic with your mantle Dane? All you need is the iconic hat and a nice red bowtie and you'll be good to go!

9) BatDane

Who doesn't love Batman? This BatDane costume is a perfect match for both blue and black Danes and pays homage to this popular superhero. Bonus points if you dress as Robin (Batman's ever-faithful sidekick)!

10) Elephant Dane

A flexible dryer vent hose, some makeshift ears, and an ornate blanket are all it takes to transform your Dane into a majestic (while somewhat skinny) elephant! Bear in mind, most Danes will not tolerate the trunk for long so get your pictures in early. Bonus points for a homemade saddle basket!